+27 21 510 2575 sales@isafrica.com


The past, present and future of ISA

First entering into the market in 2005, Instruments South Africa (Pty) Ltd established it’s footprint into the global market, assisting fleet management companies during dry docking, equipment commissioning, servicing, calibrations, supplies and repairs, with industry leading partners such as Jowa, Rivertrace Engineering, Desmi, Headway, Riken Keiki, Press Vac and many more.

After celebrating almost two decades of success, we have extended our products and services internationally, equipped with advanced testing facilities capable of testing pressure, temperature, gas, level, oil in water monitoring, ballast water systems, gas systems and many more to meet our customers’ requirements.

Our organizational structure has been built to ensure we offer the expertise, knowledge and understanding to address your specific operational challenges and requirements. Our successes are based upon the introduction of industry leading technologies and building of long-term relationships.

Future operations will focus on the innovation of technologies and services required for continued development.

We offer a portfolio designed to meet your specifications, giving sustainable value by delivering outstanding products and services to all our clients, this structure is designed to strengthen our business relationship with your company as we offer both onshore and offshore services to our clients globally.